Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Kaos poem - for scientists

Wir werden wissen. – David Hilbert

See? This foggy mess
dances around my neck
all the sounds from the wood
driving me mad
all these green and silver lights
silently making me blind

as a scientist
I'm supposed to keep track
of the monsters, humanize the ghosts
civilize into ideas
the wildest scents, the scary mermaid chants
into a theory, on the score

there is no survival
in the middle of hysterical flowers
among the colorful birds
in the smoke of herbal cigarettes
the freedom of wine and night
in the deep madness of love

It is a choice given
by terrible but compassionate gods
living above the misty eternity:
being eternal with the oceans
or calm peasants plowing
taming the lions, but not attached
to these small understandings.

Gracefully writing in the sand
but surrendering our books
to the white foam of waves.

but playing as dolphins.
Princes in the monstrous
kingdom of blue.

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